todo list

to do

Create a Sign in page

Created on 01/22/2024

Users can create a profil on a sign in page to create tasks with editor role.

Created by admin

Update composer to the latest version

Created on 01/22/2024

Loading composer repositories with package information

Created by admin

Write documentation for a codebase

Created on 01/22/2024

Explaining how to set it up and use its features.

Created by admin

Deploy v12.3 app to AWS platform

Created on 01/22/2024

Deploy application and ensure it is accessible online.

Created by admin

Merge version control on Git

Created on 01/22/2024

Use Git to add version control of the project. Create branches, merge changes, and resolve conflicts.

Created by admin

Implement user authentication

Created on 01/22/2024

Implement user authentication on both the front-end and back-end.

Created by admin